Toni Coats
Toni had a significant impact on the lives of many Evansville residents through her work at the Evansville Housing Authority.

Larson Acres
Larson Acres is a 6th generation dairy farm located in Evansville. Sitting down with Ed and Barb Larson, I learned a little bit about the history of their operation.

Veterinarian Ken Reese
Ken Reese is an Evansville native who found his calling at a young age, although he didn’t realize it at the time. He recently retired from the Evansville Veterinary Service after fifty years of treating animals, or as he puts it, “anything that flies or walks.”

Betty Steinhoff
Betty Steinhoff is a survivor who had to work hard all her life to earn a living. Although she wasn’t born in Evansville, she was a productive community member who worked long hours as a single parent, running a business and raising four children.

Janis Ringhand
Janis Ringhand exemplifies the ability to create a path to succeed and even thrive in a small town.

Ralph Clifford
Ralph Clifford has lived in Evansville for almost 30 years, but you might not know him unless you frequent Main Street Cafe, Creekside Place, or Just Beyond the Willow. He is a quiet and reserved man. A man with great dignity.

Thea Brunsell
Thea Brunsell was a long-time resident of Evansville who moved here in 1955. She was a big city woman who helped create social groups in this small town in order to meet people and make lasting friendships. She also became a committed activist.

Joe Kaether
Joe Kaether is a man who, with help from some close friends, has created a music scene in Evansville that has been a welcome addition to our community.

Julie Hermanson Wollinger
Julie Hermanson Wollinger has had a huge impact on many Evansville residents because of her caring personality and impressive initiative.

Attorney Walter Shannon
Wally Shannon maintains a light-hearted approach to a serious life. He has made a big mark on Evansville in his relatively short time as a member of the community.

Dorothy Helgesen
Dorothy Helgesen and her husband Alvin came from humble means. But together, they thrived and became a cornerstone of the community.

Pastor Matt Poock
Pastor Matt is a very positive individual with boundless energy. He and his wife have made a significant mark on our community, both in their church and the greater community.

Duke Farnsworth
Many know Mr. Farnsworth for his daily scooter trips downtown and back. But his story is much more interesting.

Heidi Deininger
Heidi is a woman with energy, intelligence, strong beliefs, and a good work ethic. She is what we used to call “a go getter.” Evansville is a better place because she is here.